Monday, July 11, 2011

On Being Disconnected to Your Body

Here’s a question for you:  On a scale of 1 – 10, with 1 being feeling totally disconnected from your body, perhaps standing outside of it or floating on the ceiling, and 10 being totally present and inhabiting your body 100%, where are you?

Most people I’ve talked to are 5 or below.  

Here’s the thing:  If you’re not totally inhabiting and connected to your body, can you work with it?  Can you collaborate with it to both know what it desires and what it’s going to take to get there?  Not really.
You might ask – “Why does this matter”?  Besides being a source of incredible sensual pleasure – enjoying the rays of the sun, the sounds of beautiful music, and of course the gentle touch of another – your body can be a source of valuable information.  

To begin with, it can tell you exactly what to eat and/or drink what kind of movement it would like as well as who it would like to have sex with.  Many people fail with their diet and exercise programs because they are imposing a program on their bodies, rather than asking the body what would work for it.  Also, the more you are in tune with your body, the happier and more vibrant it is, and the more it doesn’t have to use pain to get your attention.

Your body is also an excellent source of information about the energies of people, places and things.  Have you ever walked in to a room and had your body contract or try to leave?  Or have you ever had your body give you a reaction to a person you just met?  These are warning signs that people who are disconnected from their bodies fail to receive.

So, how do you begin to access all of this information?

One thing you can do is to ask your body and/or pay attention to how your body would like to move.  Does it like to walk or dance or bicycle or perhaps do yoga?  One reason why so many exercise programs fail, is that people rely on “experts” rather than listening to their bodies.  Can you imagine some random “expert” picking your major in college for you?  That’s what you do when you impose “exercise” on your body.

I invite you to my upcoming 6 week Tele-Series:  Eating to Live Or Living to Eat? beginning July 14th.  To find out more and register click here.

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