Monday, June 27, 2011

Food and Experts

Do you believe that there are “good” foods and “bad” foods?
This is a fascinating idea for me.  Is a bad food one that stays out after curfew?  Does it need to be punished and shamed?  Or is that what you do to yourself when you’ve bought some “experts” idea of what you shouldn’t eat? 

One question:  Who made them the expert for your body?  Would you trust an “expert” to tell you where you should live, who you should date or what kind of job you should have?  Of course not – you make your own decisions.  So why would you trust an expert to tell you what you should and shouldn’t eat or how you should exercise or which supplements you should take?

Is it because you have decided that your body is an unconscious object that you are supposed to control and do things to?  What if just the opposite were true?  What if your body was completely conscious and able to make it’s own decisions about what was nourishing and helpful for it and what wasn’t? Guess what – IT IS!!!! 

However, as long as you listen to and believe the “experts” when they tell you things like: “Sugar is bad for you.”  (Really? Isn’t that what they give people in the hospital?  Isn’t glucose straight sugar?) You will not be able to hear what your body has to tell you. 

This is about beginning to trust you and your body, rather than abdicating control to someone who has never even met your body. Does anyone really know better than you?  Could running from one “expert” to another actually the reason why you’ve never gotten the results you and your body desire?  

What if you were willing to become your own “expert”?  What could that shift and change?  Please try it – I think you will be amazed!

I invite you to my upcoming 6 week Tele-Series:  Eating to Live Or Living to Eat? beginning July 14th.  To find out more and register click here

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